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RCPsych in Scotland Webinar #2 – Suicide and the COVID-19 pandemic
Suicide and the COVID-19 pandemic: Trends in Japan and around the world
Suicide Prevention COVID-19 Interactive Webinar #3 - Wednesday 22 July
Suicide Prevention 101: Mental Health & Suicide Prevention during the Coronavirus Pandemic
COVID and Suicide Prevention: Perspectives from Social Media
COVID-19 and Suicide: Exploring Prevention
Webinar 29 July 2020: Suicide research priorities during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Suicide prevention in the COVID era - Professor Appleby
Treating Suicidal Patients During COVID-19: Assessing Suicide Risk
Mental health experts are seeing a rise in suicides as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Mental Health For All (#18): Suicide and suicide prevention during COVID-19
Suicide Prevention COVID-19 Virtual Clinic #2 - Wednesday 3 June